////////////// Objective

SpotFlip is an awesome skateboard spot finder that facilitates skaters' connection and community-building. This user-friendly platform allows skaters to discover and share information about spots, events, and parks. By promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange, SpotFlip empowers skaters to forge strong connections and build thriving skateboarding communities.

////////////// Overview

Having skated all my life, I’m no stranger to the frustration when trying to find new spots to skate, having to struggle with security guards, bad weather, pedestrian and/or car traffic, skate stoppers. It just SUCKS!

That’s why I wanted to come up with a platform made by skaters for skaters. SpotFlip allows skaters to easily find new spots, that way they can plan their next mission before the spots become a bust!

////////////// Hypothesis

By skaters leveraging SpotFlip's features, such as spot discovery, sharing, and community-building, they can easily locate and explore new spots, connect with fellow skaters, and ultimately achieve their goal of finding exciting and suitable spots to skate.

////////////// Skaters can

  • Discover and explore new skateboarding spots in their area or in different locations.

  • Share information and details about their favorite skateboarding spots with the community.

  • Connect and network with other skaters to build a vibrant skateboarding community.

  • Stay updated on upcoming skateboarding events, competitions, and gatherings in their area and beyond.


User Research

User research played a pivotal role in identifying the target audience for SpotFlip. Through surveys, interviews, and usability tests, valuable insights were gathered to understand the needs and preferences of skaters, ensuring a user-centric experience for the app's audience.

1. WHO are you designing for?

Street skaters who creatively push skateboarding’s progression by exploring, finding and documenting their skate missions. Users will be between their 20s and 40s.

2. WHAT are the tasks and goals?

Skaters will save time and hassle finding a spot. They can strategize their skate sessions and learn who’s done what in that particular spot. This gives skaters a better chance to communicate with each other, and conquer more spots around the area.

3. WHEN will your audience use it?

When they want to shoot video or photograph and want to focus on getting more content without wasting time and money.

4. WHERE will they use the app?

In big cities, where traffic and pedestrian activity are usually busy and the spots are limited, since a lot of them have been skated so much that either don’t exist or have been “skate stopped”.

5. WHY will skaters use it?

Finding public (or private) places to skate can be excruciating and very frustrating, skaters can be stuck in traffic for hours, and when they finally get there, either weather, traffic, security guards, cops, sometimes can put a wrench on the mission.

6. HOW will users accomplish their goal?

Users will choose skate spots on the map within the app, monitor car/pedestrian traffic, down/rush times, level of security, weather, etc. Then, they can save them in a spot list and plan their spot search.


User Personas

User personas were instrumental in identifying the audience for SpotFlip. By creating fictional representations of the target users based on research, their demographics, behaviors, and motivations were understood, enabling a tailored approach in developing the app to cater to their specific needs.

//////// Andrea


Andrea is a 26 year old free spirit based in NYC. She enjoys hiking, exploring nature and skating around her area when she’s off from work as a Project Manager. Andrea has been skating for 4 years.


  • Connecting with other skaters around her neighborhood.

  • To avoid rush hour traffic and save time.


Wasting time in traffic and having to get all the way to the spot to find out she can’t skate it and having to turn around to find somewhere else to skate.

//////// Chris


Chris is a 32 year old Machine Operator from Nashville, TN. Usually juggling between work, parenting, life and skateboarding. He has to make his skating time count. He’s a bit of a lone wolf. As much as he likes skating with other people, he loves skating by himself. Chris has been skating for over 20 years.


  • To maximize the time I have while skating.

  • Being able to scout the area before getting there.


Wasting a day without achieving his goal. Not having access to essentials, like water, food, restrooms, skate shops and hospitals.

//////// José


José is the 43 year old veteran skater/ graphic designer, from Sacramento, CA. He’s paid his dues, however, he’s still skates regularly. At this point in his life, he just wants to have fun while he skates. José has been skating for over 30 years.


  • To find spots in an app made by skaters for skaters.

  • To have a detailed map with 3D and “Street View” to see the spot in advance.


Bad weather and/or tight security once he gets to the spot. Not being able to see the spot or link up with any locals before he gets there.


User Flows

By mapping out the steps and interactions users would have with the app, it helped understand the specific needs and behaviors of the target audience, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience.


Style Guides

Style guides are vital in UI design as they establish consistent visual elements, typography, colors, and layout principles, ensuring cohesive and user-friendly experiences across platforms, enhancing brand identity and usability.





Navigation - Primary

Navigation - Secondary


Skateboards - Primary and Secondary



Search Bar

Onboarding screens



Mid-fidelity wireframes are pivotal in UI design as they bridge the gap between low and high fidelity, providing a balance of structure and detail. They facilitate early user feedback, validate design decisions, and streamline the development process.


Final Screens

Final screen designs are critical in UI design as they bring the vision to life with polished visuals and refined details. They ensure a delightful user experience, reinforce brand identity, and serve as a blueprint for development and implementation.


Responsive grids

Responsiveness is crucial in UI design as it ensures optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes. It enhances accessibility, usability, and engagement, accommodating the needs of a diverse user base.



